hacked overtures


Acquista ‘Hacked Overtures’ CD, Download (Mp3 / Wave / Flac), Streaming

La musica basta sempre a se stessa e tuttavia ogni suono è un suono mai udito e ogni composizione è di per sè una nuova realtà. Nel partire dalle trascrizioni di Giuliani il Duo Blanco Sinacori ha pensato di farne un progetto culturale con un doppio proposito: da un lato rivitalizzare questa musica alla luce di ciò che l’attuale tecnica chitarristica consente, dall’altro mostrarne la vivacità e la capacità di dialogo con la musica del nostro tempo. Gli intermezzi che Maurizio Pisati ha appositamente composto che intercalano le Ouvertures nella duplice veste di echi e di provocazioni al testo, spezzano l’omogeneità delle sinfonie e vi si intrufolano come un virus informatico, ma con l’effetto finale non di bloccare il pensiero, quanto piuttosto di stimolarlo generando ulteriori riflessioni e sviluppi.
[Antonello Farulli]

Good music always reveals itself to listeners like a matter of fact, like it has been there from the dawn of time, as if it didn’t need anything else than music itself to exist. Yet every sound we hear seems new to us, and every composition is new in and of itself.
Duo Blanco Sinacori makes such dual nature of music apparent with their “Hacked Overtures”. The two comrades-in-guitar pay homage to Mauro Giuliani, whose works contributed a great deal to define a new role for the guitar in 19th century music, by taking his transcriptions as a starting point to breath new life to Opera Overtures by Rossini and Bellini in the light of current guitar vocabulary. As a much welcome side effect, the Duo’s transcriptions also bring 19th century music back to its future, putting this revered repertoire in the perspective of today’s music.
Composer Maurizio Pisati helped the Duo reach its goal by composing four interludes specially for this project. Echoing fragments from the Overture to Bellini’s “Il Pirata”, and making use of extended guitar techniques, Pisati’s Intermezzos fit for the Duo’s purposes by acting like a computer worm which infects the consistent tonal code of the Overtures but all the while stimulates lateral thinking and further developments in music which is never too old to engage today’s and tomorrow’s listeners.

[Antonello Farulli]


Gioacchino Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia, L’Italiana in Algeri, La gazza ladra
Vincenzo Bellini: Norma, Il pirata
Transcriptions for guitar duo by Duo Blanco Sinacori 

Maurizio Pisati: Intermezzi con Pirata I-IV
Album produced by Gianluca Cangemi & Luca Rinaudo

Recorded and mixed by Luca Rinaudo & Gianluca Cangemi at Zeit Studio, Palermo, Italy
Mastered by Anestis Psaradakos at Athens Mastering Studio, Athens, Greece
Artwork by Antonio Cusimano / 3112htm.com
Alessandro Blanco & Giuseppe Sinacori play twin guitars custom made by Vincenzo Candela