Umanità su rotaia | Along These Tracks

A Choral Path for Stations, Words , Music and Images

An abandoned railway line. History and the stories that passed along its tracks. A stationmaster’s red cap starts the story: the train beat and all those nameless multitudes passing from one station to the other. Passers-by, migrants of past times, hens, women, everyday people on their way. Signs of time passing by, sticking to the soul of the world. Smugglers on the roads and caves like wounds: groping around, pillaging and raping the landscape. A nameless station – one of the many – waved goodbyes towards the illusion for a better condition. The sound bears the colour of hope, not freed from harsh blows and tough reality. But the scent of apples lightens up the tuning and the sensory commotion of remembering. There is no alternative to living other than proceeding.

UMANITÀ SU ROTAIA [tracks 1-8]:
Tracks 1-8: Choral and spoken parts by Cristina Fedrigo
Tracks 1, 2: Music (“Non mi fermo” ) by Virginio Zoccatelli, lyrics by Federico Tavan. Version by C.Fedrigo
Tracks 3-7: Music (“Zone e Cavalieri – cinque tracce per un poema cavalleresco” per uno o infiniti strumenti) by Maurizio Pisati. Version for reading, choir, clarinet and harpsichord by C.Fedrigo.
Track 8: Music (“Fare e disfare”) by Virginio Zoccatelli, lyrics by V.Zoccatelli.

Cristina Fedrigo: project
Sandro Pecchiari: English text version
Luca Rinaudo a.k.a. Naiupoche: electronic rework
on music by M.Pisati, V.Zoccatelli, C.Fedrigo

Voice actress (ITALIAN: tracks 1-8): Bianca Manzari
Voice actor (ENGLISH: track 9): Sandro Pecchiari

Electronics: Maurizio Pisati (Tracks 3-7)
Additional Sound Design (Tracks 1-8) and Electronics (Track 9): Luca Rinaudo a.k.a. Naiupoche

ZH2VOX, ensemble di ricerca musicale per voci e strumenti
Clarinets: Marta Macuz | Harpsichord: Sonia Ballarin
Choir: Insieme Vocale H2Vox di Fontanafredda (Pn) & Corale Giulio Zacchino di Trieste
[SOPRANO: Sonia Ballarin, Daniela Camerino, Mariella Dugaro, Caterina Lettis, Ornella Sala, Silvia Sari, Paola Signorini  • ALTO: Susanna Cargnel, Maria Cristina Costanzi, Paola Dominici, Giulia Giannini, Silvia Lucà, Tiziana Taurian, Alessandra Tornani, Donatella Zanus • TENOR: Paolo Camerino, Alessandro Castiglione, Tiziano Re, Livio Rossetti, Claudio Volontè, Virginio Zoccatelli • BASS: Cesare Comicioli, Eduardo Dos Santos, Gianfranco Macoratti, Carlo Mayer, Anto Rossetti, Giorgio Valentini]

Album produced by Gianluca Cangemi & Luca Rinaudo

Recorded by Christopher Burelli at Artesonika Recording Studio, Pordenone, Italy. Sandro Pecchiari’s voice on track 9 recorded by Paolo Carrer at Infinity Studio, Treviso, Italy.

Mixed and mastered by Luca Rinaudo at Zeit Studio, Palermo, Italy

Art direction, artwork and design: Antonio Cusimano |
Photos: Anto Rossetti

Product manager: Gianluca Cangemi

Thanks to Aldo Colonnello (Circolo Culturale Menocchio). Gioconda e Olga Bartolini.